Friday, April 24, 2009

Now I understand the "Twilight" Phenom

I watched the first 15 minutes of "Twilight" with my wife the other day.  At the time, I didn't get why she along with so many others love the Twilight stories.  Not to say I haven't tried.  A couple months ago, I went so far as to apply a temporary tattoo that fell out of Kim's copy of "New Moon" and had been sitting on the floor of her car. I thought I was getting into having "I [Heart] Edward" on my right arm until the next time I took my shirt off in front of Kim. I still have trouble putting words to the look on her face.  Shock? Jealousy? Doubt in her choice in mates?

The problem was I unable to imagine where the story was going.  I was blinded by seemingly flat acting, worn out story line and nonsensical dialogue. This evening I watched the trailer to see its dramatic arc and like Paul on the road to Damascus my vision became clear and I found a new and abundant appreciation for Twilight. 

Check it out and see for yourself why I now can reaffirm what was once just a sales gimmick plastered across my right deltoid: 

"I [Heart] Edward."

Posted via email from bgrandell's posterous

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