Monday, July 28, 2008

I don't much like David Brooks

It's good to hear someone point out that David Brooks is a conservative and a backer of John McCain. He and Bill Kristol are trotted out all over the place and put forward as unbiased commentators without even a mention of the ideological leanings. I tried to call in to Talk of the Nation when Mr. Kristal was on there commenting about the presidential race. I wanted to point out that he is an informal adviser to the McCain campaign (which should be disclosed). The producer said she had no way to check that fact. "Thanks for calling, Good Bye."

In this clip Tom Brokaw continues to suck on those marbels in his mouth and reads from Brooks' op-ed in the NYTimes about Obama's Berlin speech. It is too bad that nobody in the MSM will point these things out. Here Brokaw pulls him out and Obama has to do it for himself. Of course he does it well.

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