Friday, March 21, 2008

Jeremiah Wright on Hannity and Colmes

I'm no fan of FoxNews. I've expressed myself on this matter before and I'm sure will do it again.

One of their tag lines is "We Report, You Decide." I think it's important to take NO media outlets at there word, which is why a clip like the following takes much longer than the actual clip to research the back story, consider the information and digest the whole story. The simplicity with which the news approaches all issues, especially those as complex as race and class, is extremely damaging. When journalists become paper dolls reporting on caricatures in a narrative as complex as a Dick and Jane story while critical thinking skills have gone the way of the dodo, we are in serious trouble.

Here's the clip from the beginning of 2008:

Here is some pertinent information that FoxNews would never think to give you:

A Concise History of Liberation Theology by Leonardo and Clodovis Boff

Liberation Theology Resources Online

Dwight Hopkins

James Hal Cone

Here is the King that Jeremiah Wright thinks of when he wants to respond to Hannity's assertion that he should be more like MLK. More like King? If you really look and listen to Wright he IS carrying on in King's footsteps.

A Time to Break Silence: by Rev. Martin Luther King

(An interesting excercise: read King's thoughts on Vietnam and mentally replace "Vietnam" with "Iraq" and "Communism" with "Terrorism.")

More to come on this subject...

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