I was only able to get 2 new volunteers. I'm going to chalk that one up to the rainy weather (or the fact they needed to get their drink on before the show). I did have loads of people stop to get stickers. As the show grew closer, there were a hand full of people trying to sell extra tickets, which isn't the easiest thing to do for a 3/4 capacity crowd. At one point, there were five of us: me recruiting volunteers, an African American fella selling flowers, a woman trying to give away a single ticket and a guy selling a pair for $10 a piece (regular price: 44.50 plus handling charges).
The show started right on time with Elvis and the Imposters rocking out a couple of songs from his new album "Momofuku" (named for the inventor of the Ramen Noodles b. 1910 d. Jan. 6 2007). I had bought the LP on the way in before they sold out and was able to hold it aloft when he mentioned how big the thing was (I am an EC drone as well).
The sound kind of sucked. I could barely hear the vocals and the instruments were muddled. 30 minutes in, he asked for a new mic, which helped a little. The best part of the show was when Elvis recounted his trip to the studio of WFPX earlier in the day. He was quickly corrected by the crowd, proud of one of their local public radio stations WFPK the coolest station this side of anywhere. While there, he met a local artist named Brigid Kaelin
who was there finalizing the arrangements for her Live Lunch performance that Friday. They got to talking and Elvis asked if she would like to join them on stage. She played accordion on a cover of the Velvet Underground and Nico's "Femme Fatal."
Brigid had a HUGE smile on her face the whole time and lipped "this is great" a number of times. During the first of four encores, she came back with her saw in tow. The eerie sound of the saw spooked "Mr. Feathers," another song from the new album.
As is his practice since the Iraq War began in March 18th, 2003, the last song was "What's So Funny 'bout Peace Love and Understanding?"
Elvis Costello - Peace Love And Understanding (2004)
Classic Elvis Costello - Peace Love And Understanding
(original video - 1979)

After the show, I explored the building a little and found the back door. I had hung out after a show once before and know he is very congenial and willing to stop and sign a few autographs so I waited. He came out a few minutes later and went out of his way to meet us and sign some autographs.

I could think of no connection for this video, but wanted to put it here anyway. The man is truly a genius.
Elvis Costello - The Scarlet Tide